Scientific Name: Dicaeum agile
Malay Name: Sepah-Puteri Ekor Salji Biasa
Chinese Name: 厚嘴啄花鸟
Range: Found from Indian subcontinent to Southeast Asia.
Taxonomy: Polytypic. Subspecies are: agile, zeylonicum, pallescens, modestum, atjehense, finschi, tinctum, obsoletum.
Size: 10 cm
Identification: Adults have brownish to olive-green upperparts, pale white underparts with dark streaks, reddish orange eyes, malar line and a dark thick bill. Juveniles have pink bills and faint streaks.
Habitat: Broadleaved forest and forest edge.
Behaviour/Ecology: Forages at the canopy of flowering and fruiting trees probably for mistletoes and small insects. Often observed twisting/jerking its tail when perched like it is dancing.
Local Status: Very rare visitor
Conservation Status: Least Concern (BirdLife International 2017)
Featured reports: Dec 2024
Conservation Status: IUCN Red List Page
Sound Recordings: xeno-canto Link
Wikipedia Entry: Wikipedia Link
eBird Species page: eBird (Thick-billed Flowerpecker)
BirdLife International. (2017). Dicaeum agile. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017. Accessed on 1 January 2023
Robson, C. (2014). Field guide to the birds of South-East Asia (Second Edition). Bloomsbury Publishing, London.
Wells, D. R. (1999). The Birds of the Thai-Malay Peninsula (Vol. 1). Academic Press, London.
Bird Society of Singapore. (n.d.). Thick-billed Flowerpecker. Retrieved on February 15, 2025 from