Scientific Name: Treron phayrei
Malay Name: Punai Ara Indochina
Chinese Name: 灰头绿鸠
Range: Breeding Range: (OR) se Asia and s China; w Indonesia?.
Taxonomy: Polytypic. Subspecies are: conoveri, phayrei.
Size: 27cm
Identification: Both sexes are green overall with well-delineated grey forehead extending to crown, yellow rump, and green edges to flight feathers ending in dark tips. Male has maroon wings and mantle, orange patch on breast, and chestnut undertail coverts. Female resembles male but lacks the maroon, orange breast patch, and chestnut undertail coverts. Can be separated from similar looking Thick-billed Green Pigeon by the lack of thick bill and bluish-green orbital ring. Females look similar to other Treron species, and can be differentiated from female Cinnamon-headed Green Pigeon by lack of red base to bill, while female Pink-necked Green Pigeon lacks the grey forehead and crown. Female Orange-breasted Green Pigeon has a blue base to bill and grey nape, and lacks the grey forehead. Female Little Green Pigeon is much smaller and has light yellow irises compared to the dark pink irises of Ashy-headed Green Pigeon.
Similar looking species: Cinnamon-headed Green Pigeon, Little Green Pigeon, Pink-necked Green Pigeon, Thick-billed Green Pigeon, Orange-breasted Green Pigeon
Habitat: Lowland hills and forest.
Behaviour/Ecology: Takes fruit and forages in trees, occasionally coming down for water. Often seen in association with other Treron species. In Singapore, the only record was seen congregating with Thick-billed Green Pigeons.
Local Status: Vagrant
Conservation Status: Near Threatened (BirdLife International 2020)
Migrant bar chart (see more bar charts):
Conservation Status: IUCN Red List Page
Sound Recordings: xeno-canto Link
Wikipedia Entry: Wikipedia Link
eBird Species page: eBird (Ashy-headed Green-Pigeon)
BirdLife International. (2020). Treron phayrei. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020. Accessed on 1 January 2023
del Hoyo, J., Collar, N., Kirwan, G.M., & Garcia, E.F.J. (2020). Ashy-headed Green Pigeon (Treron phayrei), version 1.0. In del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D. A., & de Juana, E. (Eds). Birds of the World. Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA.
Bird Society of Singapore. (n.d.). Ashy-headed Green Pigeon. Retrieved on February 21, 2025 from