Monthly Roundups

Monthly Roundup: Nov 2023

Monthly Roundup: Nov 2023

Raptor watching continued to deliver in early November, with several rather cooperative (but not for everyone!) Short-toed Snake Eagles, but the highlight of the month was a likely White’s Thrush at the Singapore Botanic Gardens.


  • The White’s Thrush at the Singapore Botanic Gardens is a national first, if confirmed by the Records Committee
  • Possibly up to five Short-toed Snake Eagles; over a third of this species’s 23 records in Singapore have now been in 2022 and 2023, and all of these have been between 2 and 13 Nov
  • Six Black Kites, and up to 14 Greater Spotted Eagles, both are significant numbers
  • Pheasant-tailed Jacana at Lower Peirce
  • Two Sakhalin Leaf Warblers were both earlier than our previous early date

All records for Nov 2023 (Show all records)

Cotton Pygmy Goose Nettapus coromandelianus (species writeup) Show 1 record

Singapore Botanic Gardens

Highest count: 2 individuals

First recorded 25 Nov 2023

RC decision: Accepted

Cotton Pygmy Goose at Singapore Botanic Gardens on 25 Nov 2023. Photo credit: Vincent Choong Keng Hoe

Grey Nightjar Caprimulgus jotaka (species writeup) Show 2 records

Changi Business Park

Highest count: 1 individual


CCNR–Jelutong Tower

Highest count: 1 individual


Brown-backed Needletail Hirundapus giganteus (species writeup) Show 2 records

Henderson Waves

Highest count: 1 individual

First recorded 10 Nov 2023

RC decision: Accepted


Henderson Waves

Highest count: 1 individual


Chestnut-winged Cuckoo Clamator coromandus (species writeup) Show 3 records

Singapore Botanic Gardens–Learning Forest and Swan Lake

Highest count: 1 individual

(not a complete list)

Tampines Industrial Ave 1 SG (1.3529,103.9269)

Highest count: 1 individual


Windsor Nature Park including Venus Drive and Venus Loop

Highest count: 1 individual


Malaysian Hawk-Cuckoo Hierococcyx fugax (species writeup) Show 1 record

Jurong Lake Gardens (inc. Chinese Garden and Japanese Garden)

Highest count: 1 individual

(not a complete list)

Hodgson’s Hawk-Cuckoo Hierococcyx nisicolor (species writeup) Show 2 records

Singapore Botanic Gardens

Highest count: 1 individual


Jurong Lake Gardens (inc. Chinese Garden and Japanese Garden)

Highest count: 2 individuals


Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis (species writeup) Show 1 record

Lower Seletar Dam

Highest count: 1 individual


Barred Buttonquail Turnix suscitator (species writeup) Show 1 record

Jurong Lake Gardens (inc. Chinese Garden and Japanese Garden)

Highest count: 3 individuals

Earlier record on 14 May 2023


White-faced Plover Charadrius dealbatus (species writeup) Show 1 record

Marina East (Gardens by the Bay: Bay East / Marina Barrage)

Highest count: 3 individuals

Earlier record on 01 Sep 2023

(not a complete list)

Pheasant-tailed Jacana Hydrophasianus chirurgus (species writeup) Show 1 record

Lower Peirce Reservoir

Highest count: 1 individual

First recorded 19 Nov 2023

RC decision: Accepted

(not a complete list)

Pheasant-tailed Jacana at Lower Peirce Reservoir Park on 19 Nov 2023. Photo credit: Francis Yap

Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica (species writeup) Show 2 records

Pulau Ubin: Chek Jawa Wetlands

Highest count: 2 individuals

(not a complete list)

Pulau Ubin

Highest count: 1 individual


Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres (species writeup) Show 1 record

Pulau Ubin: Chek Jawa Wetlands

Highest count: 1 individual

Earlier record on 28 Oct 2023


Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea (species writeup) Show 1 record

Pulau Ubin: Chek Jawa Wetlands

Highest count: 1 individual

Earlier record on 28 Oct 2023

(not a complete list)

Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis (species writeup) Show 1 record

Pulau Ubin: Chek Jawa Wetlands

Highest count: 8 individuals

Earlier record on 17 Sep 2023

(not a complete list)

Sanderling Calidris alba (species writeup) Show 1 record

Pulau Ubin: Chek Jawa Wetlands

Highest count: 1 individual

(not a complete list)

Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus (species writeup) Show 2 records

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

Highest count: 1 individual

Earlier record on 20 Aug 2023


Pulau Ubin: Chek Jawa Wetlands

Highest count: 4 individuals

Earlier record on 17 Sep 2023

(not a complete list)

Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis (species writeup) Show 1 record

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

Highest count: 1 individual


Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida (species writeup) Show 1 record

Kallang Dragonboat Nursery Beach

Highest count: 2 individuals

Earlier record on 15 Oct 2023


White-winged Tern Chlidonias leucopterus (species writeup) Show 3 records

Marina East (Gardens by the Bay: Bay East / Marina Barrage)

Highest count: 200 individuals

Earlier record on 07 Oct 2023

(not a complete list)

Kallang Dragonboat Nursery Beach

Highest count: 12 individuals

Earlier record on 12 Oct 2023

(not a complete list)

Pulau Ubin: Chek Jawa Wetlands

Highest count: 2 individuals


Lesser Adjutant Leptoptilos javanicus (species writeup) Show 1 record

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

Highest count: 18 individuals

Earlier record on 03 May 2023

(not a complete list)

Oriental Darter Anhinga melanogaster (species writeup) Show 5 records

Pulau Ubin

Highest count: 2 individuals

Earlier record on 12 May 2023


Mount Faber Park

Highest count: 1 individual


Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

Highest count: 1 individual


Hindhede Nature Park

Highest count: 1 individual


Rifle Range Link

Highest count: 1 individual


Black Bittern Ixobrychus flavicollis (species writeup) Show 3 records

Jurong Lake Gardens (inc. Chinese Garden and Japanese Garden)

Highest count: 1 individual


Singapore Botanic Gardens–Learning Forest and Swan Lake

Highest count: 1 individual


Nanyang Technological University including National Institute of Education

Highest count: 1 individual


Malayan Night Heron Gorsachius melanolophus (species writeup) Show 1 record

Jurong Lake Gardens (inc. Chinese Garden and Japanese Garden)

Highest count: 1 individual


Crested Serpent Eagle Spilornis cheela (species writeup) Show 7 records

Mount Faber Park

Highest count: 1 individual

Earlier record on 06 Oct 2023


Kranji Marsh

Highest count: 1 individual


Pulau Ubin

Highest count: 1 individual


Singapore Botanic Gardens

Highest count: 1 individual

(not a complete list)

Nanyang Technological University including National Institute of Education

Highest count: 1 individual


Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

Highest count: 1 individual


Hindhede Nature Park

Highest count: 1 individual


Short-toed Snake Eagle Circaetus gallicus (species writeup) Show 5 records

Henderson Waves

Highest count: 1 individual

First recorded 04 Nov 2023

RC decision: Accepted

SG Bird Database (subrecords)


Mount Faber Park

Highest count: 1 individual

First recorded 05 Nov 2023

RC decision: Accepted


Pinnacle@Duxton towards Mt Faber

Highest count: 1 individual

First recorded 09 Nov 2023

RC decision: Accepted

SG Bird Database (subrecords)


Short-toed Snake Eagle at Mount Faber on 9 Nov 2023. Photo credit: Adrian Silas Tay

Southern Ridges

Highest count: 1 individual

First recorded 11 Nov 2023

RC decision: Accepted

SG Bird Database (subrecords)

Short-toed Snake Eagle at Mt Faber on 11 Nov 2023. Likely a 1st-year individual as well, but a different one to the 9 Nov bird. Note the difference in markings on the primaries and secondaries. Photo credit: Ah Heng

Greater Spotted Eagle Clanga clanga (species writeup) Show 9 records

Henderson Waves

Highest count: 2 individuals


Nanyang Technological University including National Institute of Education

Highest count: 1 individual


Nanyang Technological University including National Institute of Education

Highest count: 2 individuals


Mount Faber Park

Highest count: 2 individuals


Henderson Waves

Highest count: 2 individuals


Tuas South (Tuas South Avenue 16 and surrounds)

Highest count: 1 individual


Spottiswoode Park Road, Singapore, SG (1.275, 103.838)

Highest count: 3 individuals


Mount Faber Park

Highest count: 2 individuals


Henderson Waves

Highest count: 1 individual


Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus (species writeup) Show 1 record

Mt Faber

Highest count: 1 individual

First recorded 03 Nov 2023

RC decision: Accepted


Black Kite Milvus migrans (species writeup) Show 6 records

Kent Ridge Park

Highest count: 1 individual


Tampines Eco Green

Highest count: 1 individual


Mount Faber Park

Highest count: 1 individual


Mount Faber Park

Highest count: 1 individual


Henderson Waves

Highest count: 1 individual


Mount Faber Park

Highest count: 1 individual

(not a complete list)

Black Kite at Mount Faber Park on 12 Nov 2023. Photo credit: Francis Yap

Grey-faced Buzzard Butastur indicus (species writeup) Show 2 records

Henderson Waves

Highest count: 1 individual


Mount Faber Park

Highest count: 2 individuals


Eastern Buzzard Buteo japonicus (species writeup) Show 1 record

Mount Faber

Highest count: 1 individual

First recorded 12 Nov 2023

RC decision: Accepted


Common Buzzard Buteo buteo (species writeup) Show 1 record

Mount Faber

Highest count: 1 individual

First recorded 17 Nov 2023

RC decision: Accepted

Common Buzzard at Mount Faber on 17 Nov 2023. Photo credit: Herman Phua

Northern Boobook Ninox japonica (species writeup) Show 2 records

Penjuru Place

Highest count: 1 individual

First recorded 02 Nov 2023

RC decision: Accepted

Changi Business Park

Highest count: 1 individual

First recorded 03 Nov 2023

RC decision: Accepted

Barred Eagle-Owl Bubo sumatranus (species writeup) Show 1 record

CCNR–Jelutong Tower

Highest count: 1 individual

Earlier record on 16 Sep 2023


Black-capped Kingfisher Halcyon pileata (species writeup) Show 1 record

Pulau Ubin–Jln Wat Siam

Highest count: 1 individual


Blue-eared Kingfisher Alcedo meninting (species writeup) Show 2 records

CCNR–Jelutong Tower

Highest count: 2 individuals

Earlier record on 01 May 2023


Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

Highest count: 1 individual

Earlier record on 25 Jul 2023


Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher Ceyx erithaca (species writeup) Show 3 records

Windsor Nature Park including Venus Drive and Venus Loop

Highest count: 1 individual

Earlier record on 23 Oct 2023


Dairy Farm Nature Park

Highest count: 1 individual


Jurong Lake Gardens, Bamboo Area

Highest count: 1 individual


Great Slaty Woodpecker Mulleripicus pulverulentus (species writeup) Show 1 record

Jalan Ulu Sembawang

Highest count: 1 individual


Blue-rumped Parrot Psittinus cyanurus (species writeup) Show 2 records

Rifle Range Link

Highest count: 6 individuals

Earlier record on 03 May 2023


Dairy Farm Nature Park

Highest count: 1 individual

Earlier record on 07 May 2023


Blyth’s Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone affinis (species writeup) Show 4 records

Singapore Botanic Gardens

Highest count: 1 individual

Earlier record on 22 Sep 2023


Jurong Lake Gardens SG (1.3347,103.7287)

Highest count: 3 individuals

Earlier record on 13 Oct 2023


Golf link, central catchment nature reserve

Highest count: 1 individual

Earlier record on 27 Oct 2023


Windsor Nature Park including Venus Drive and Venus Loop

Highest count: 1 individual


Asian House Martin Delichon dasypus (species writeup) Show 2 records

Henderson Waves

Highest count: 2 individuals


Mount Faber Park

Highest count: 1 individual


Sakhalin Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus borealoides (species writeup) Show 2 records

Bukit Timah Nature Reserve

Highest count: 1 individual

First recorded 06 Nov 2023

RC decision: Accepted

Lower Peirce Reservoir

Highest count: 1 individual

First recorded 20 Nov 2023

RC decision: Accepted


White-shouldered Starling Sturnia sinensis (species writeup) Show 1 record

Jurong Lake Gardens (inc. Chinese Garden and Japanese Garden)

Highest count: 1 individual


Eyebrowed Thrush Turdus obscurus (species writeup) Show 3 records

Rifle Range Link

Highest count: 6 individuals


CCNR–Jelutong Tower

Highest count: 1 individual


Hindhede Nature Park

Highest count: 1 individual


Ferruginous Flycatcher Muscicapa ferruginea (species writeup) Show 4 records

Dairy Farm Nature Park

Highest count: 1 individual

Earlier record on 04 Oct 2023

(not a complete list)

Jurong Lake Gardens (inc. Chinese Garden and Japanese Garden)

Highest count: 1 individual

Earlier record on 22 Oct 2023

(not a complete list)

CBP Canal

Highest count: 1 individual


Brown-chested Jungle Flycatcher Cyornis brunneatus (species writeup) Show 4 records

Jurong Lake Gardens (inc. Chinese Garden and Japanese Garden)

Highest count: 1 individual

Earlier record on 12 Oct 2023

(not a complete list)

Lower Peirce Reservoir Park

Highest count: 1 individual

Earlier record on 12 Oct 2023


Dairy Farm Nature Park

Highest count: 1 individual

Earlier record on 15 Oct 2023


Singapore Botanic Gardens

Highest count: 1 individual


Mugimaki Flycatcher Ficedula mugimaki (species writeup) Show 2 records

Singapore Botanic Gardens

Highest count: 1 individual

(not a complete list)

Jurong Lake Gardens (inc. Chinese Garden and Japanese Garden)

Highest count: 2 individuals


Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius (species writeup) Show 1 record

Blk 1G The Pinnacle@Duxton

Highest count: 1 individual

First recorded 30 Sep 2023

RC decision: Accepted


Forest Wagtail Dendronanthus indicus (species writeup) Show 1 record

Rifle Range Link

Highest count: 1 individual

Earlier record on 22 Sep 2023


Rarity records still under review

Shikra Accipiter badius (species writeup) Show 1 record

Mt Faber

Highest count: 1 individual

First recorded 11 Nov 2023

Record under review

Northern Boobook Ninox japonica (species writeup) Show 1 record

Tuas South

Highest count: 1 individual

First recorded 27 Nov 2023

Record under review


Eurasian Magpie Pica pica Show 1 record

Kew Crescent

Highest count: 1 individual

First recorded 15 Nov 2023

Record under review

White’s Thrush Zoothera aurea (species writeup) Show 1 record

Singapore Botanic Gardens

Highest count: 1 individual

First recorded 23 Nov 2023

Record under review

SG Bird Database (subrecords)

White's Thrush at Singapore Botanic Gardens on 23 Nov 2023. Photo credit: Francis Yap

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