Scientific Name: Mycteria cinerea
Malay Name: Upih Bakau
Chinese Name: 白鹮鹳
Range: Breeds in Cambodia, Thailand, and western Sumatra.
Taxonomy: Monotypic.
Size: 95-100 cm
Identification: Only similar species recorded locally is Painted Stork, with which this species interbreeds extensively. Differentiated from Painted by three main traits, which must all be present in combination: a clean white breast (Painted has a black breast-band); no pink flush on the tertials, inner secondaries, and wing-coverts; and clean white upperwing-coverts (Painted has black-and-white spotting on the upperwing-coverts). Individuals which lack any of these features cannot be identified as pure Milky Storks.
Similar looking species: Painted Stork
Habitat: Mangroves, mudflats, and coasts.
Behaviour/Ecology: Gregarious, joining flocks with Painted Storks and hybrid Milky x Painted Storks.
Local Status: Common introduced resident
Conservation Status: Endangered (BirdLife International 2016)
Location: Any area of suitable habitat like Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve or Chek Jawa.
Conservation Status: IUCN Red List Page
Sound Recordings: xeno-canto Link
Wikipedia Entry: Wikipedia Link
eBird Species page: eBird (Milky Stork)
BirdLife International. (2016). Mycteria cinerea. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016. Accessed on 1 January 2023
Baveja, P., Tang, Q., Lee, J. G., & Rheindt, F. E. (2019). Impact of genomic leakage on the conservation of the endangered Milky Stork. Biological Conservation, 229, 59-66.
Robson, C. (2014). Field guide to the birds of South-East Asia (Second Edition). Bloomsbury Publishing, London.
Bird Society of Singapore. (n.d.). Milky Stork. Retrieved on February 19, 2025 from