Scientific Name: Larus fuscus
Malay Name: Camar-Titik Erasia
Chinese Name: 小黑背鸥
Range: Breeds in North America and the western Palearctic. Winters along the coasts from west Africa, the middle east, and the Indian subcontinent. Rare in east and southeast Asia.
Taxonomy: Polytypic. Subspecies are: graellsii, intermedius, fuscus, heuglini, barabensis.
Local Subspecies: heuglini
Size: 58-65cm
Identification: From other gulls that have been recorded in Singapore before: Bigger than the Black-headed and Brown-headed Gulls, lacking the black ear coverts present in those two species. Bill yellow, with red base near the tip. Separation of this species from the other Larus gulls (Slaty-backed Gull and Black-tailed Gull being very unlikely, but possible species in Singapore) requires careful examination.
Similar looking species: Brown-headed Gull, Black-headed Gull
Habitat: Coastal areas, open seas.
Local Status: Very rare vagrant
Conservation Status: Least Concern (BirdLife International 2019 Larus fuscus)
Location: Any suitable site along the coast or open seas.
Conservation Status: IUCN Red List Page
Sound Recordings: xeno-canto Link
Wikipedia Entry: Wikipedia Link
eBird Species page: eBird (Lesser Black-backed Gull)
BirdLife International 2019. Larus fuscus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019.. Accessed on 1 January 2023
Burger, J., Gochfeld, M., Kirwan, G. M., Christie, D. A., & de Juana, E. (2020). Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus), version 1.0. In del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D. A., & de Juana, E. (Eds). Birds of the World. Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA.
Eaton, J. A., van Balen, S., Brickle, N. W., & Rheindt, F. E. (2021). Birds of the Indonesian Archipelago: Greater Sundas and Wallacea (Second Edition). Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
Bird Society of Singapore. (n.d.). Lesser Black-backed Gull. Retrieved on March 8, 2025 from