Scientific Name: Muscicapa griseisticta
Malay Name: Sambar-Kusam Lorek Utara
Chinese Name: 灰纹鹟
Range: Breeds in Siberia, northeast China to North Korea and winters to southern China, Vietnam, Philippines, Sulawesi, Lesser Sundas and New Guinea
Taxonomy: Monotypic.
Size: 15 cm
Identification: Resembles Dark-sided Flycatcher and Brown-streaked Flycatcher but is larger and has clean whitish underparts with extensive, well-defined broad dark greyish streaks across entire breast and flanks and whitish undertail-coverts.
Similar looking species: Dark-sided Flycatcher, Brown-streaked Flycatcher
Habitat: Forest, parks, gardens, wooded areas and mangroves.
Behaviour/Ecology: Feeds primarily on insects. Often perches on tree branches from which it sallies forth to hawk insects in flight and returns to the same perch or to one nearby.
Local Status: Vagrant
Conservation Status: Least Concern (BirdLife International 2018)
- Checklist Revision for February 2022 (Revisions)
- FLY101: Identifying Little Brown Jobs of the genus Muscicapa in Singapore (ID Articles)
- FLY201: An overview of brown flycatchers in Muscicapidae (ID Articles)
- Singapore Bird Database is 1 year old (Science)
Migrant bar chart (see more bar charts):
Conservation Status: IUCN Red List Page
Sound Recordings: xeno-canto Link
Wikipedia Entry: Wikipedia Link
eBird Species page: eBird (Gray-streaked Flycatcher)
BirdLife International. (2018). Muscicapa griseisticta. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018. Accessed on 1 January 2023
Lim, K. S. (2009). The Avifauna of Singapore. Nature Society (Singapore).
Robson, C. (2014). Field guide to the birds of South-East Asia (Second Edition). Bloomsbury Publishing, London.
Bird Society of Singapore. (n.d.). Grey-streaked Flycatcher. Retrieved on February 21, 2025 from