Scientific Name: Falco subbuteo
Malay Name: Rajawali Tongkeng Merah Utara
Chinese Name: 燕隼
Range: Found from Europe, temperate Asia, northern Indian subcontinent, China, northern Korea to northern Japan and winters south to Africa, Indian subcontinent, southern China, Indochina, the Thai-Malay Peninsula and Java.
Taxonomy: Polytypic. Subspecies are: subbuteo, streichi.
Local Subspecies: subbuteo
Size: 30-36 cm
Identification: Adult resembles juvenile Peregrine Falcon but is significantly smaller and has darker crown, narrower moustachial stripe, unbarred uppertail, heavily streaked breast/belly and reddish-rufous vent. Juvenile resembles adult but has duller crown/upperparts and buffish vent.
Similar looking species: Amur Falcon, Eurasian Hobby, Peregrine Falcon
Habitat: Open country, reclaimed land and wooded areas.
Local Status: Vagrant
Conservation Status: Least Concern (BirdLife International 2021)
- Bird List Revision for May 2019 (Revisions)
Migrant bar chart (see more bar charts):
Conservation Status: IUCN Red List Page
Sound Recordings: xeno-canto Link
Wikipedia Entry: Wikipedia Link
eBird Species page: eBird (Eurasian Hobby)
BirdLife International. (2021). Falco subbuteo. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021. Accessed on 1 January 2023
Jeyarajasingam, A., & Pearson, A. (2012). A Field Guide to the Birds of Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. Oxford University Press.
Lim, K. S. (2009). The Avifauna of Singapore. Nature Society (Singapore).
Robson, C. (2014). Field guide to the birds of South-East Asia (Second Edition). Bloomsbury Publishing, London.
Bird Society of Singapore. (n.d.). Eurasian Hobby. Retrieved on February 18, 2025 from