Scientific Name: Orthotomus ruficeps
Malay Name: Perenjak-Pisang Kelabu Biasa
Chinese Name: 灰缝叶莺
Range: Breeding Range: (OR) Malay Peninsula to Philippines
Taxonomy: Polytypic. Subspecies are: cineraceus, germaini, baeus, concinnus, ruficeps, palliolatus, baweanus, borneoensis, cagayanensis.
Local Subspecies: cineraceus
Size: 11-11.5 cm
Identification: Grey tailorbird with rufous forehead, crown, lores and eye area.
Similar looking species: Common Tailorbird, Dark-necked Tailorbird, Rufous-tailed Tailorbird
Habitat: Coastal forests, mangroves, but also secondary forests and gardens.
Behaviour/Ecology: Skulky, calls often.
Local Status: Common resident
Conservation Status: Least Concern (BirdLife International 2016)
Location: Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve
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- Local extinctions of Singapore birds (Science)
- Top 10 most observed birds in Singapore and the region (Science)
- Bird Calls of Singapore (Birders' Stories)
Conservation Status: IUCN Red List Page
Sound Recordings: xeno-canto Link
Wikipedia Entry: Wikipedia Link
eBird Species page: eBird (Ashy Tailorbird)
BirdLife International. (2016). Orthotomus ruficeps. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016. Accessed on 1 January 2023
Bird Society of Singapore. (n.d.). Ashy Tailorbird. Retrieved on February 18, 2025 from